Monday 31 August 2015

Wedding Hall

Mfon decoration is a top wedding planner company. We provide all wedding-related information that users may want to access when they need to celebrate a wedding. Nowadays the wedding ceremonies and related parties are condu

cted in well furnished and specially decorated halls. Years back people never required wedding halls for conducting wedding ceremonies. During that period marriage was conducted at bride’s house or in temples and arrangements for feast is made in their own houses.


Now the situation is entirely changed. The joint family system in a house is not to be seen anywhere. The nuclear family became the attraction of the human society. Intervening in other family members such as cousin sister’s or cousin brother’s affairs became very rare. The nature of helping family members during special occasions and critical situations became too formal. Thus father, mother and children are forced to confine within the nucleus of the nuclear family system.

In this way people slowly marched towards the western style of living, where the relationship between the family members has no importance at all. They prefer isolated or scattered family life. This new environment in the human life style forced people make artificial arrangements to organize special occasions. Thus, the transformations taken place in the life style of people, made remarkable changes in the field of marriages that your occussion can be more memorable.


  1. i love this stage how can you help me with this

  2. I also love these wedding decorations!! A beautiful venue for wedding is extremely important nowadays as everyone wants to have memorable wedding ceremony. So I suggest everyone to look for the best and affordable New York venues on I also booked my wedding spot from this site.
